| 1. | The water supplies department operates two identical on - line water contamination monitoring systems at muk wu pumping station to monitor incoming water from guangdong 木湖抽水站设有两个在水质污染监测系统,监测从广东输入的食水。 |
| 2. | The water supplies department ( wsd ) operates two identical on - line water contamination monitoring systems at muk wu pumping station to monitor incoming water from guangdong 木湖抽水站设有两个在?水质污染监测系统,监测从广东输入的食水。 |
| 3. | Besides , in muk wu pumping station , additional water reception works were constructed in addition to the excavation of a 5 . 2 - km tunnel and the laying of 5 , 000 metre of water pipes 2公里长隧道及铺设5 , 000米的水管,将接收广东省供水工程列为十二年计划的一部份。 |
| 4. | In the latter part of 1980 , hong kong also allocated $ 150 million to established three pumping stations respectively at muk wu , tai po tau and fan kan road 1981年下半年,本港亦耗资1 . 5亿,在木湖、大埔头及粉锦公路兴建三座抽水站,在木湖兴建接收输水设施,开凿5 |
| 5. | When the dongjiang water reached the shenzhen reservoir , it passed through two water mains over the shenzhen river . water is then flow into a reception tank in the muk wu pumping station on hong kong side 东江水抵深圳水库后,经两条横跨深圳河的水管,输入位于边境木湖的接收水池,然后再输往木湖抽水站。 |
| 6. | At muk wu pumping station near man kam to to continuously monitor the radiation levels of the water imported from guangdong . all monitoring results are transmitted to the hko and wsd in real - time 在文锦渡旁的木湖抽水站设有两个二十四小时不停运作的在水质污染监测系统,不断监测从广东输入的食水的放射性含量。 |
| 7. | At muk wu pumping station near man kam to to continuously monitor the radiation levels of the water imported from guangdong . all monitoring results are transmitted to the hko and wsd in real - time 在文锦渡旁的木湖抽水站设有两个二十四小时不停运作的在?水质污染监测系统,不断监测从广东输入的食水的放射性含量。 |
| 8. | This included firstly the construction of a new reception tank and a pumping station at muk wu to strengthen the raw water reception capability . secondly , additional water mains were laid to strengthen the transfer between river indus pumping station with plover cove reservoir 17亿元改善东江供水计划,第一部份在木湖兴建一个新蓄水池及抽水站,加强输入广东省原水设备,第二部份是由梧桐河抽水站至船湾淡水湖兴建输水管,增加梧桐河抽水站抽水量。 |